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Is Your Will Valid?

Her husband died a couple of months ago. She found what appeared to be a Will in his desk drawer. He had typed it up, signed it,…

If I Write My Own Will, Do I Need A Lawyer To File It For Me At The Courts?

The title of this post came from a question I received last week. It’s one of many questions I receive each week that show significant confusion about…

DIY Planning Can Be a Nightmare!

A couple of weeks ago, I received a phone call from a woman whose ex-boyfriend had died, naming her as the sole beneficiary and executor of his…

The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning

We are a nation of do-it-yourselfers. Nowhere is that fact more evident than in our local Home Depot or Lowe’s stores. If we need new flooring, we…

The Problem With LegalZoom (Part 2) – Inaccuracies Corrected But Problem Remains

A couple of weeks ago, I published a blog post entitled The Problem With LegalZoom (And Other Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning Solutions) which…

The Problem with LegalZoom (And Other Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning Solutions)

LegalZoom advertises itself as a cheaper alternative to an attorney. And many forgo professional advice because they are lured by the lower costs and believe the document…

Planning Your Estate? Don’t Be Penny Wise And Pound Foolish

Comparison Shopping: For Yogurt? Good. For Estate Planning? Not So Much. One of my favorite stores is Costco. I try to purchase as much as possible there…