FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Would You Choose Physician-Assisted Suicide If You Had A Terminal Illness?

While standing in line at the grocery store a few days ago, the cover of People magazine caught my eye. It was a photograph of Brittany Maynard,…

FAQs About Estate Planning, FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Does My College Student Need Estate Planning?

A couple of years ago, I wrote blog post titled “Three Estate Planning Documents Every College Student Needs.” The post was prompted by…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, Financial Powers of Attorney

What is the Difference Between Medical and Durable Power of Attorney?

A durable power of attorney is a written document that creates an agency relationship between the person granting authority and an agent, or attorney-in-fact, the person to…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

How Do I Revoke a Living Will?

The directive to physicians is a difficult document to sign for many people because it specifies your wishes regarding  life-sustaining treatment should be administered, withdrawn or withheld…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, FAQs About Wills

What Is The Difference Between A Living Will And A Last Will and Testament?

Many people confuse Living Wills with Last Wills and Testaments. They sound similar, but serve very different purposes. A Living Will, also known as a Directive to…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Planning for Your Incapacity

Many people believe that having a Last Will and Testament is all the estate planning they need. But as advancements in medicine extend our lives, developing a…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Saying Goodbye

Not too long ago, my book club read a highly acclaimed book titled “The Art of Racing in the Rain.” I couldn’t finish it. In…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Who is an Incapacitated Person?

The Texas Estates Code specifically defines who is an incapacitated person. According to the Code, an incapacitated person is: A minor; An adult individual who, because of a…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Incapacity Can Happen At Any Age…Be Prepared

I recently received a heart-wrenching note from a parent, whose 22 year-old son had been involved in an accident. He was knocked unconscious with multiple dislocations…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, Planning for Special Circumstances

Why Do I Need a HIPAA Authorization?

What is HIPAA? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is a Federal law that required the establishment of national standards to protect the privacy…