FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Designing a Trust if Asset Protection is Your Goal

Attorney Rania Combs explains how to design a spendthrift trust for beneficiaries if asset protection is your goal.

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Can I Create an Asset Protection Trust for Myself in Texas?

Amendments to the Texas Property Code appear to create a back door to create a self-settled asset protection trust in Texas.

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

What is a Crummey Trust?

When I suggest Crummey Trusts to clients, I often get a confused reaction: “Why would I want a crummy trust?” they ask. Despite the misleading name, Crummey…

FAQs About Trusts

What are the Requirements of a Valid Trust in Texas?

Creating a valid trust in Texas requires meeting specific statutory requirements. These requirements, outlined in Texas Property Code, Title 9, Subtitle B, Chapter 112, ensure the trust…

FAQs About Trusts

What Assets Are Protected From Creditors in Texas?

I get a lot of calls and emails from individuals interested in protecting their assets. Some ask whether it would be beneficial to create an asset protection…

FAQs About Trusts

Say What? Trust Terminology Defined

Lawyers use a lot words when talking about trusts, often assuming that everyone knows their meaning. But in speaking to clients and friends, I realized that many…

FAQs About Trusts

What is a Spendthrift Trust?

As parents, we all do our best to instill our good values in our children. But sometimes, despite all our guidance, our children make poor personal and…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Should I Put My Guns to My Revocable Trust?

If you own guns, you may be wondering whether you should transfer them to your Revocable Trust. There are a couple of reasons why that is generally a…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Is Married Beneficiary’s Interest in a Trust Separate or Community Property?

Texas defines separate property as property owned before marriage or acquired by gift or inheritance. For example, if you purchased a house before you were married, the house…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Do I Need To Record My Trust in Texas?

In Texas a trust is not a legal entity. Rather, it is a legal relationship in which a trustee holds legal title for the benefit of…