FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Designing a Trust if Asset Protection is Your Goal

Attorney Rania Combs explains how to design a spendthrift trust for beneficiaries if asset protection is your goal.

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Can I Create an Asset Protection Trust for Myself in Texas?

Amendments to the Texas Property Code appear to create a back door to create a self-settled asset protection trust in Texas.

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

What is a Crummey Trust?

When I suggest Crummey Trusts to clients, I often get a confused reaction: “Why would I want a crummy trust?” they ask. Despite the misleading name, Crummey…


The Power of Beneficiary Deemed Owner Trusts for Retirement Assets

If you have a large retirement asset that you intend to pass to your beneficiaries in trust, consider updating your estate plan to include Beneficiary Deemed Owner Trusts…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Should I Put My Guns to My Revocable Trust?

If you own guns, you may be wondering whether you should transfer them to your Revocable Trust. There are a couple of reasons why that is generally a…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Is Married Beneficiary’s Interest in a Trust Separate or Community Property?

Texas defines separate property as property owned before marriage or acquired by gift or inheritance. For example, if you purchased a house before you were married, the house…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Do I Need To Record My Trust in Texas?

In Texas a trust is not a legal entity. Rather, it is a legal relationship in which a trustee holds legal title for the benefit of…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

What are the Responsibilities and Duties of a Trustee of a Testamentary Trust?

Wills sometimes create testamentary trusts, trusts that spring to life after the death of a testator. When a testator includes a testamentary trust in his Will,…