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What is a Letter of Intent for Child With Special Needs

A Letter of Intent (LOI) is an essential document for parents or caregivers that provides critical information about medical needs, routines, preferences, and long-term care plans of a…

Special Needs Trusts FAQs: Answers for Parents of Children with Special Needs

If you are a parent of a child with special needs, a special needs trust (SNT) should be an essential part of your estate planning. Without one, leaving…

Can an Individual Create a First Party Special Needs Trust for His or Her Own Benefit?

A Special Needs Trust (SNT), also known as a Supplemental Needs Trust, is a trust created for a disabled beneficiary to hold funds in a way…

What is a Pooled Special Needs Trust?

Special needs trusts are trusts that hold assets for a disabled beneficiary and distribute funds in a way that preserves the beneficiary’s eligibility to receive public…

What is the Difference between a First-Party Special Needs Trust and a Third-Party Special Needs Trust?

When planning for the future of a loved one with special needs, understanding the differences between a First-Party Special Needs Trust and a Third-Party Special Needs Trust is…

Would You Like A Will With That Special Needs Trust?

Several parents have contacted me recently about setting up stand-alone special needs trust for their children. Unlike a supplemental needs trust that is created in a…

Guidance For Trustees of Special Needs Trusts

If you have been named as the trustee of a special needs trust, you likely have many questions about how to administer the trust. You can…

Should I Disinherit My Disabled Child to Protect His Benefits?

Parents whose children are receiving government benefits, such as SSI and Medicaid, know that those benefits are means-tested. Those with countable assets greater than…