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Who Makes Medical Decisions if there is no Health Care Power of Attorney in North Carolina?

If you have not signed a health care power of attorney, the North Carolina General Statutes will control who makes health care decisions for you. The law is…

Who Makes Medical Decisions in Texas If There Is No Medical Power of Attorney?

Texas law controls who makes medical decisions if there is no medical power of attorney. The law is rigid, and the person authorized to make decisions under the…

Free Medical Power of Attorney for Texas’ Heroes

Every day, I am moved by stories of courageous Texans risking their lives to protect and care for the most vulnerable among us. The heroes of the…

Does My Texas Medical Power Of Attorney Need To Be Notarized?

Many people have medical powers of attorney that they have signed in the presence of two witnesses. They become concerned that their power of attorney is not valid…

Do I Have to Name My Children as Medical Power of Attorney?

She had two adult children, but her niece was more like a daughter to her. Her niece was also a nurse, who she believed would be better…

Can a Minor Child Witness a Medical Power of Attorney?

“My mom has a power of attorney that was witnessed by someone under 18,” she said. “Is it valid?” The Texas statutes specify that a medical power…

Why Doctors Choose to Die Differently

An article written by Dr. Jacquelyn Corley on CNN titled “Why Doctor’s Choose to Die Differently” explains why doctors are less likely to…

Storing Your Health Care Directives: There’s an App for That!

I have written before about the importance of having health care directives. These documents allow you to appoint a…