The Problem with LegalZoom (And Other Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning Solutions)
LegalZoom markets itself as an affordable alternative to hiring an attorney. As a result, many individuals choose LegalZoom over professional legal services, believing that its documents will be just as effective as those created by an experienced estate planning attorney. In this article, I will explore the potential dangers of using DIY estate planning solutions and explain why hiring an attorney ensures that your estate plan is legally sound and tailored to your needs.
When I started my estate planning practice in 2010, I visited LegalZoom to evaluate the accuracy of its information—especially concerning Texas wills. What I found was concerning.
At first glance, LegalZoom’s website appeared to provide state-specific advice for Texas wills. Had I not been a Texas Estate Planning Lawyer, I might have trusted that the site was providing me with accurate and current information.
However, a few moments after I started reading LegalZoom’s website copy, I noticed a couple of glaring mistakes.
Estate Planning Laws Change
Laws are not static. —they evolve due to new legislation and court rulings. Attorneys continuously update their knowledge to ensure compliance with the latest legal requirements. LegalZoom? Not so much.

The first mistake I noticed was LegalZoom’s incorrect assertion that Texas recognizes oral wills. This is false.
- Fact: Effective September 1, 2007, Texas repealed Sections 64 and 65 of the Probate Code, which previously allowed oral wills.
- Exception: An oral will is only valid in Texas if it was made before September 1, 2007, and even then, only in very limited circumstances
Another mistake I noticed was under the subheading “Providing for Pets.” LegalZoom stated the following:

LegalZoom was apparently also not aware that:
- Texas enacted Section 112.037 of the Property Code on January 1, 2006, authorizing statutory pet trusts.
- Even before this law, pet owners could establish a traditional trust to provide for their pets.
- A properly drafted trust ensures that funds are allocated for a pet’s care while allowing oversight to prevent misuse.
This means that even though four years had passed since the statute was enacted, LegalZoom was still not aware of this change in the law.
Furthermore, even before statutory pet trusts were authorized, it was still possible for a pet owner to create a traditional trust to provide for a pet. A traditional trust provides for pet care indirectly by instructing a trustee to cover expenses incurred by the pet’s caretaker, the actual beneficiary of a trust, as long as the pet is cared for properly. Nowhere does LegalZoom mention this.
Details Matter in Estate Planning
Now you may be thinking that I am blowing these little mistakes a bit out of proportion. After all, one of them concerned pets. And no one uses LegalZoom to make an oral will, so that is a harmless error.
But if LegalZoom is not current on laws about these two issues, what else has it missed? How can anyone who uses LegalZoom trust that the legal document he or she creates will do what it is supposed to do?
LegalZoom Does Not Provide Legal Advice
Even LegalZoom acknowledges its limitations. According to its own disclaimer:
- LegalZoom employees are not acting as your attorneys.
- LegalZoom’s legal document service is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.
- LegalZoom does not review your answers for legal sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, provide legal advice or apply the law to the facts of your particular situation.
- The legal information on LegalZoom’s website is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date.
The Risks of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning
People who use LegalZoom and other do-it-yourself estate planning kits end up with a false sense of security. They create documents that they believe will address their estate planning needs. But with estate planning documents, they are unlikely to discover their mistakes.
Why? Because the mistakes will not become evident until after they become incapacitated or die. And the people who will be left to deal with the mistakes are usually the people the documents were supposed to protect.
You and your loved-ones deserve the advice of a lawyer who considers the facts of your particular situation. You deserve legal advice that is correct, complete and up-to-date. LegalZoom by its own admission does not provide that.
Why Hiring an Attorney is Worth It
The money you save now by using LegalZoom and other DIY estate planning services could end up costing significantly more in the future if your estate plan is incorrect or incomplete. Attorneys provide:
- Personalized legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.
- Up-to-date knowledge of current estate planning laws.
- Comprehensive estate planning strategies to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.
The bottom line
The money you save now could be spent many times over after you die to address legal issues about which you were not even aware. Attorneys don’t simply fill in forms. Rather, we use the knowledge we have acquired during our many years of schooling and practice to advise you on the best way to protect your family, and preserve and distribute your assets in the manner you choose.
Your loved-ones are worth it. Wouldn’t you agree?
Get Professional Help Today
Don’t take risks with your family’s future. If you want to ensure your estate plan is legally sound, up-to-date, and tailored to your specific needs, consult with an experienced Texas estate planning attorney. Contact me today to discuss your estate planning goals and protect what matters most.
This article was originally published on January 27, 2010 and updated on February 4, 2025.
Donna Chmura
January 27, 2010 at 12:20pm
Could not agree more. In fact, I have blogged about why you shouldn’t use DIY services for forming corporations.
And once you’ve made some poor decisions because you were unwilling to pay for competent advice on the front end, it usually costs more to fix it on the back end.
Stephen Bloom
January 27, 2010 at 2:21pm
Excellent post. I’ve been telling clients this for years. It’s the nuances of estate planning law that will get them in trouble, and lack of understanding the legal context for the documents, like how property is titled, beneficiary designations, etc. Clients need a qualified lawyer to sit down with them and look at the big picture, or they risk not getting the results they expect.
Leanna Hamill
January 27, 2010 at 2:52pm
Rania, the nice thing about your virtual law practice is that people can get access to the customized legal services they need, with the convenience of an on line service and at a price they can afford.
Inspired Solos: Rania Combs - The Texas Wills and Trusts Online Blog
March 4, 2010 at 11:08am
[…] Rania’s already seen some return on her hard work. Her stats are up, she’s being featured in the Texas Bar Journal’s monthly newsletter “Weblinks” section this month (where she kindly gave The Inspired Solo a little love!), and she’s been approached by a few outlets to contribute content. She’s also getting some retweet love on Twitter for her blog posts, and got a Blawg Review mention after just a few weeks of blogging for one of her most-publicized and well-received posts, “The Problem With LegalZoom.” […]
My Shingle
March 5, 2010 at 12:21am
To Win the Hearts and Minds of Consumers, Lawyers Need to Sell, Not Sue…
To date, lawyers haven’t been able to effectively sell the public on the idea that document preparation services like Legal Zoom are a poor substitute for the services of a lawyer. So, being lawyers, they’ve done the next best thing……
David Errington
April 17, 2010 at 10:17pm
I am an Ohio estate planning attorney and took LegalZoom for a spin to see what they had to offer. As Ms. Combs stated, I found outdated law and misleading advice that could really cause some problems down the road. Like Stephen Bloom stated above, there is no context. For instance, you could certainly establish a testamentary trust in their will but who will be administering it? Are they aware that there will be ongoing yearly costs for filings with the probate court? Would establishing a living trust make more sense? You get the idea.
On top of that, the fee they would charge a married couple for Wills is actually not that much less than what I charge. And, by LegalZoom’s own admission, they are not providing legal advice (although I think they have actually crossed the line to UPL). As I tell people that ask me about LegalZoom, using an attorney doesn’t guarantee that it will be done perfectly, but it certainly increases the likelihood that it will be correct and, if it isn’t, at least attorneys have malpractice insurance.
DIY Estate Planning Cautions | David McDaniel's Blawg
April 15, 2011 at 11:37am
[…] answer is, perhaps, yes and no. As the following blog posts from Rania Combs at illustrate, potential DIYers must recognize the limitations of, well, doing it […]
Must I have a lawyer to start your business? No, but it’s BIG MISTAKE not to. - (214) 628-3155 The Pounders Law Firm On Demand
July 19, 2011 at 6:03pm
[…] Rania Combs: The Problem with LegalZoom (And Other Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning Solutions) […]
Estate planning - Saving Advice
August 4, 2011 at 3:25am
[…] wills and trusts – sure it could work out, but I'd rather just go to a lawyer in the first place. The Problem with LegalZoom — Texas Wills and Trusts Law Online…angers_HD1.pdf Especially in your case where you are […]
North Texas Business Lawyer 214-628-HELP (4357)
November 29, 2011 at 2:57pm
[…] Rania Combs: The Problem with LegalZoom (And Other Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning Solutions) […]
Why You Should Never Use LegalZoom or use DIY Online Documents | Sparks Law Practice
February 6, 2014 at 3:29pm
[…] The law is constantly changing. Every quarter there are hundreds of new statutes passed by state governments and Congress, not to mention changes in case law from judge’s decisions. All of these laws can affect your business, and only lawyers who specialize in that particular type of law (business law, trusts and estates planning, personal injury, etc.) can advise you—and draft your unique documents—appropriately given those recent changes. More on this here. […]
George Shipe
February 26, 2015 at 5:54pm
I am glad to not only hear of the Legal Zoom issues, but see it in print. The most important ‘Product’ from an attorney is the intellect, experience and not a cost savings. The law is not a commodity.
Thank you. I enjoyed reading this article.
George Shipe, senior Vice President
Bremerton, WA.