FAQs About Trusts, Trusts, Uncategorized
Retirement accounts often represent a significant portion of an individual’s wealth and require careful consideration during the estate planning process. Designating a trust as the beneficiary of these…
Financial fraud targeting seniors is a growing crisis, costing older Americans over $3 billion annually. Scammers target older adults because they often have significant savings, retirement funds, or…
FAQs About Probate, Probate
What is an Executor? An executor, sometimes called a”personal representative,” is a person or entity a testator appoints in a Will…
When a person dies without a valid will, their estate is distributed according to North Carolina intestacy laws. Below are answers to frequently…
FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, Medical Powers of Attorney and Directives
If you become incapacitated and do not have a Health Care Power of Attorney, the North Carolina General Statutes determine who can make medical decisions on your behalf.
FAQs About Trusts, Trusts
Attorney Rania Combs explains how to design a spendthrift trust for beneficiaries if asset protection is your goal.
Intestacy, Wills
Attorney Rania Combs discusses the North Carolina Intestate Succession Act, which dictate how property is distributed when someone dies without a Will in North Carolina.
FAQs About Wills, Wills
North Carolina attorney Rania Combs discusses the statutory requirements of valid Wills in North Carolina.
When I suggest Crummey Trusts to clients, I often get a confused reaction: “Why would I want a crummy trust?” they ask. Despite the misleading name, Crummey…
Estate Planning, Questions About Estate Tax
Under federal tax law, the person making a gift (the donor) is responsible for any federal gift tax due—not the recipient (donee). The gift’s recipient (the donee) does…