Intestacy, Wills

What Happens If You Die Without a Will in NC

Attorney Rania Combs discusses the North Carolina Intestate Succession Act, which dictate how property is distributed when someone dies without a Will in North Carolina.

FAQs About Wills, Wills

What are the Requirements of a Valid Will in North Carolina?

North Carolina attorney Rania Combs discusses the statutory requirements of valid Wills in North Carolina.

Estate Planning, Uncategorized

Estate Planning for the Unexpected

I read an article last week that served as a sobering reminder of why it’s crucial to plan for the unexpected.The article was about a Pennsylvania couple…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, Medical Powers of Attorney and Directives

Who Makes Medical Decisions if there is no Health Care Power of Attorney in North Carolina?

If you have not signed a health care power of attorney, the North Carolina General Statutes will control who makes health care decisions for you. The law is…


The Power of Beneficiary Deemed Owner Trusts for Retirement Assets

If you have a large retirement asset that you intend to pass to your beneficiaries in trust, consider updating your estate plan to include Beneficiary Deemed Owner Trusts…

Estate Planning, Odds and Ends, Uncategorized

Beware the Rise of Voice Cloning Scams

Cybercriminals are using AI to mimic the voices of our family members. Learn how to protect yourself from voice-cloning scams.

Special Needs Trusts

Special Needs Trusts FAQs

If you are a parent of a child with special needs, your estate planning should include a special needs trust. Closeup of mother holding her children hand.

Estate Planning, Questions About Estate Tax

How Much Money Can I Give Without Paying Gift Tax?

Under our nation’s federal tax regulations, it is the person making a gift (the donor) who is responsible for any federal gift tax that is due. The…

Uncategorized, Wacky Wills, Wills

Even Ancient Egyptians Wrote Wills!

Last July, I stumbled upon an ancient Will while visiting the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. As an estate planning lawyer, I was delighted.  Will of Naunakhte The Will, written…

Odds and Ends

An Empty Nest

I remember standing in the checkout line at Babies-R-Us more than 23 years ago. My first baby was just a couple of weeks old, sleeping soundly on my…