Estate Planning, Retirement and End of Life Care, Uncategorized

How to Talk with Someone who is Grieving

Attorney Rania Combs provides some helpful tips for navigating conversations with someone who is grieving after the loss of a loved one.


Planning For When Your Mind Fades

Studies estimate that more than 6 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s. And as our population ages, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia will afflict an increasing number of people.


Can I Disinherit my Spouse in North Carolina?

North Carolina’s laws provide a safeguard for surviving spouses. Under North Carolina law, a spouse can claim a certain share of your estate when you die, regardless of…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Designing a Trust if Asset Protection is Your Goal

Attorney Rania Combs explains how to design a spendthrift trust for beneficiaries if asset protection is your goal.

Estate Planning, Planning for Special Circumstances

Estate Planning for Your Graduate

If you are the parent of a high school senior about to graduate, you’re probably feeling a whirlwind of emotion right now. I…

Odds and Ends

‘Tis the Season for Scams

A man who introduced himself as Alex called last week. I was on another call, so I let the call go to my voicemail. He didn’t leave a…

FAQs About Probate

Is There a Difference Between an Executor and an Administrator of an Estate?

When a person dies and probate is necessary, a court will appoint a personal representative to oversee the winding up of the decedent’s affairs. Executors and administrators…

FAQs About Trusts

Say What? Trust Terminology Defined

Lawyers use a lot words when talking about trusts, often assuming that everyone knows their meaning. But in speaking to clients and friends, I realized that many…

Estate Planning, FAQs About Estate Planning

What Happens to Social Media Accounts after a User’s Death?

I know someone who uses Facebook as somewhat of a digital diary. She regularly shares photos and stories that document her daily life, major life events, and milestones. Her feed…

Planning for Special Circumstances

Three Estate Planning Documents Every College Student Needs

Without three important documents, you may not be able to help when your child needs you most. Attorney Rania Combs explains.