FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives

Is an Agent Named in a Durable Power of Attorney Legally Responsible for the Debts of a Principal?

An agent named in a durable power of attorney is generally not responsible for the debt of the principal unless they are a party to the debt or…

The Risk of DIY Planning, Uncategorized, Wills

Free Texas Will Forms

Estate planning is as important for small estates as for large ones. We all have the potential of becoming incapacitated. Therefore, having documents in place that allows trusted…


Planning For When Your Mind Fades

Studies estimate that more than 6 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s. And as our population ages, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia will afflict an increasing number of people.

Questions About Estate Tax

Do I Have To Pay Taxes On An Inheritance From A Foreign Relative?

If you have close relatives, like parents, who are citizens and residents of a foreign country, there is a chance you might receive a gift or inheritance from…

FAQs About Trusts

What Assets Are Protected From Creditors in Texas?

I get a lot of calls and emails from individuals interested in protecting their assets. Some ask whether it would be beneficial to create an asset protection…

Estate Planning, FAQs About Estate Planning

Can My Husband Give His Children Our Homestead If He Owned It Before We Married?

I received a note from a concerned wife. Her husband had purchased the home in which they resided two years before they were married. Throughout their marriage,…

Financial Powers of Attorney

What is a Texas Durable Power of Attorney?

A durable power of attorney is a written document that authorizes another person, known as an agent, to engage in specified business, financial and legal transactions on…

The Complexities of Intestacy in Blended Families

The Complexities of Intestacy for Blended Families in Texas

Having a will is important for every adult, but especially so if you are part of a blended family. Without a will, your assets will…

FAQs About Trusts, Trusts

Designing a Trust if Asset Protection is Your Goal

Attorney Rania Combs explains how to design a spendthrift trust for beneficiaries if asset protection is your goal.

Estate Planning, Planning for Special Circumstances

Will Distributions from ABLE Account for Food or Shelter Reduce SSI Benefits?

What is an ABLE Account? An ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) account is a type of savings account for individuals with disabilities and their families. The account…