
Who Makes Medical Decisions in Texas If There Is No Medical Power of Attorney?

If you become incapacitated and do not have a Texas Medical Power of Attorney, state law determines who can make medical decisions on your behalf. The law is…

What Happens If You Die Without a Will in NC

Attorney Rania Combs discusses the North Carolina Intestate Succession Act, which dictate how property is distributed when someone dies without a Will in North Carolina.

Can I Create an Asset Protection Trust for Myself in Texas?

Amendments to the Texas Property Code appear to create a back door to create a self-settled asset protection trust in Texas.

Texas Small Estate Affidavit: Eligibility, Filing Process & Requirements

A Small Estate Affidavit can be a quick and cost-effective way to transfer property to a decedents legal heirs without going through formal probate in Texas when someone…

The Texas Transfer on Death Deed

A Texas Transfer on Death Deed is a legal document that allows you to name beneficiaries to inherit your real estate after you pass away, avoiding the need…

What are the Requirements of a Valid Will in Texas?

Texas attorney Rania Combs discusses the statutory requirements of a valid holographic Will and a valid typewritten Will in Texas.

What Happens If You Die Without A Will in Texas?

If you die without a Will in Texas, referred to as dying intestate, your property will pass according to the Texas intestacy laws – a strict legal…

What are the Requirements of a Valid Will in North Carolina?

North Carolina attorney Rania Combs discusses the statutory requirements of valid Wills in North Carolina.