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What are the Requirements of a Valid Will in North Carolina?

North Carolina attorney Rania Combs discusses the statutory requirements of valid Wills in North Carolina.

Can I Make Handwritten Changes To a Typewritten Will?

Handwritten changes a Testator makes before signing a typewritten Will are valid; however, handwritten changes made after signing a Will be disregarded unless the Testator observes all the…

What is a Holographic Will?

A holographic Will is a handwritten Will. And there have been some strange ones. For example, can you imagine writing your will on your bedroom wall? How…

What is a Holographic Will?

A holographic Will is a handwritten Will. And there have been some strange ones. For example, can you imagine writing your will on your bedroom wall? How…

Is The Will I Signed In Another State Valid in Texas?

I have written before that a move to another state can trigger a need to update your will. It’s not necessarily because the move invalidates…

Should I Add a No-Contest Clause to My Will?

One section of the estate planning questionnaire I send my clients asks them to rate their level of concern about various issues. One issue about which most indicate…

What is a Residuary Clause?

I recently worked with a couple that wanted to make sure that all their worldly possessions passed to the surviving spouse upon their death, and then to…

How Often Should I Update My Will?

Life Changes Can Result In Unintended Consequences, Even For Those With Wills Many years ago, I read an essay entitled “second-chance family” that reinforced…