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You’ve Signed Your Estate Planning Documents…Now What?

Once you’ve signed your estate planning documents—your will, powers of attorney and other important paperwork—you’re more prepared than most Americans. However, you’re not out of the woods…

Does an IRA Beneficiary Designation Override a Will?

I recently received a note from a woman whose mother had recently passed away. Her mother’s Will directed that her estate be divided equally among her three…

Does Every Estate Have To Pay An Estate Tax?

I often get calls and emails from Texans concerned about the amount of federal estate taxes that will be owed after their death. They worry that…

How To Talk To Your Family About Estate Planning

Even in very close families, discussions about estate planning are uncomfortable. It’s difficult to know the right time to bring up the subject, or even what to…

Will a Uniform Transfers to Minors Account Negatively Impact My Child With Special Needs?

Uniform Transfers to Minors Accouts (UTMA) accounts are an easy and inexpensive way for parents, grandparents and other well meaning individuals to make irrevocable gifts to minors…

Is Real Property Purchased with an Inheritance during Marriage Separate or Community Property?

Texas is a community property state. Property is classified as community or separate property depending on when and how it was acquired. In Texas, all property…

Will My Estate Be Responsible For My Student Loans?

Statistically, having a bachelor’s degree doubles your lifetime earning potential. But that degree often comes with a high cost, which most families are unable to afford…

Should I Deed My Home To My Kids Before I Die?

Not too long ago someone called me wondering if he really needed a will. He explained that his mother had transferred her home to him many years…