
Can Life Support Be Withheld If A Patient Has Not Signed A Directive To Physicians?

Most Americans have not executed basic estate planning documents. Studies show that more than half of Americans have not executed a basic will. Even fewer have executed…

Who Will Take Care of My Pets After I Die?

My dog’s name is Jilly. My family adopted her several months after Elway died. We weren’t really looking to adopt another pet so quickly, but we…

How is an Out-Of-Hospital DNR Different from a Directive to Physicians?

A directive to physicians, also known as a living Will, is a document that allows you specify what kind of life-sustaining treatment should be administered or withheld…

Keeping the Peace from Beyond the Grave

It’s every parent’s dream to maintain close relationships with all their children as they age. But sometimes, things don’t turn out as parents plan. The reasons vary. A…

Prepare for the Death of the Stretch IRA

No laws affecting retirement plans are final yet, but there are certain changes on the horizon that may require tweaks to your estate plans. The Setting Every Community…

Can I Name a Relative Who Lives Abroad as Guardian of My Children?

A colleague in a listserv to which I subscribe asked an interesting question: Can parents name a relative who lives in a foreign country as guardian of…

Is Property My Spouse and I Owned in Another State Community Property or Separate Property?

John and Jane Doe didn’t always live in Texas. Earlier in their marriage, they lived in another state, where John purchased a house the couple lived in…

What are the Rights and Responsibilities of a Life Tenant in Texas?

A life tenant is a person who has the right to possess real property for the term of a measuring life. The measuring life is typically the…