
What is a Lady Bird Deed?

A “Lady Bird Deed” is another name for an enhanced life estate deed, which allows a property owner to transfer property at death without the necessity of…

How to Spot, Avoid, and Report Coronavirus Scams

Beware. Con artists are using fears and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic to commit fraud. According to the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), Americans have filed more than 200,000…

The Blessing of Planning Ahead

Many years ago, I wrote an article called: What What You Do If You Had 46 Days to Live? It referenced an article about a man named Rob Jaffe, whose…

Exciting News Amid A Pandemic

I have some exciting news to share: Last month, I was sworn in as a member of the North Carolina Bar! That means that in addition to…

Powers of Attorney Protect College Students During a Pandemic

My daughter graduated from high school a few weeks ago in an unusual ceremony. Our family drove up to the school building, exited our car, entered the…

Can Agent Override Decisions of Person Granting Power of Attorney?

Con artists often target the elderly because isolation and declining cognitive ability makes them more vulnerable to fraud. Consumer Reports estimated that seniors and their families…

Free Medical Power of Attorney for Texas’ Heroes

Every day, I am moved by stories of courageous Texans risking their lives to protect and care for the most vulnerable among us. The heroes of the…

Does My Texas Medical Power Of Attorney Need To Be Notarized?

Many people have medical powers of attorney that they have signed in the presence of two witnesses. They become concerned that their power of attorney is not valid…