FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, Financial Powers of Attorney

What is the Difference Between Medical and Durable Power of Attorney?

A durable power of attorney is a written document that creates an agency relationship between the person granting authority and an agent, or attorney-in-fact, the person to…

FAQs About Dying Without A Will

Will My Wife Inherit All My Separate Property If I Die Without A Will?

Most people may assume that if they are married and die without a Will in Texas, their surviving spouse will inherit their entire estate. This is…

Special Needs Trusts

Would You Like A Will With That Special Needs Trust?

Several parents have contacted me recently about setting up stand-alone special needs trust for their children. Unlike a supplemental needs trust that is created in a…

Planning for Special Circumstances

FAQs About The Rights of Same-Sex Couples After DOMA Ruling

Seattle estate planning attorney,Wendy S. Goffe, a wrote an excellent and informative guest post for Forbes answering some frequently asked questions regarding the rights of same-sex couples…

Planning for Special Circumstances

Estate Planning for Same-Sex Couples in Texas After DOMA Ruling

Last week, in a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) is unconstitutional.

Planning for Special Circumstances

Are You Married To An Evil Stepparent?

I received a call from a woman whose father recently passed away. His death was not unexpected. He had cancer and knew he was going to…

Wacky Wills

Wacky Wednesday: Wills That Make You Go “Hmmm…” Solomon Sanborn

NB: This post is part of a series highlighting wills that contain some interesting, and sometimes bizarre, bequests and stipulations. You can see all these posts here.

Financial Powers of Attorney

How to Talk With Your Parents About Their Financial Affairs

Many elderly parents are uncomfortable sharing their finances with their children. An article I read recently suggested several reasons they may be wary. Some parents worry…

FAQs About Dying Without A Will

Will The State Get All My Assets If I Die Without A Will?

The law gives you the freedom to decide how and to whom your assets are distributed when you die by making a Will. If you die without…

Planning for Special Circumstances

Can Your Spouse Handle Your Financial Affairs?

Often in marriages, one spouse ends up handling most of the couple’s financial affairs. The division of responsibilities doesn’t always fall along gender lines. Typically, the…