Financial Powers of Attorney

How Do I Revoke a Durable Power of Attorney In Texas?

A durable power of attorney is a written document that allows you to designate someone you trust to engage in specified business, financial and legal transactions…

Planning for Special Circumstances

Don’t Forget To Coordinate Beneficiary Designations

Some people go through the time and expense of making a Will but fail to change beneficiary designation on non-probate assets such as life…

Wacky Wills

Wacky Will Wednesday: Wills That Make You Go “Hmmm…” – Ray Fulk

NB: This post is part of a series highlighting wills that contain some interesting, and sometimes bizarre, bequests and stipulations. You can see all these…

FAQs About Powers of Attorney and Directives, FAQs About Wills

What Is The Difference Between A Living Will And A Last Will and Testament?

Many people confuse Living Wills with Last Wills and Testaments. They sound similar, but serve very different purposes. A Living Will, also known as a Directive to…

FAQs About Probate

Is Probate Necessary to Transfer Title to a Vehicle?

I received an email recently from someone whose unmarried brother had died without a will.  He was survived by both his parents, one full…

Questions About Estate Tax

Estate Tax Certainty…For Now

NB: For information on the state of the estate tax in light of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, click here. For…

FAQs About Wills

Can I Force My Stepmother To Show Me My Deceased Dad’s Will?

Imagine your father, who is no longer married to you mother, dies leaving a Will. He told you that you were a beneficiary of his estate, but…


Celebrating Three Years!

Several years ago, when I was contemplating starting a Web-based law firm, people with whom I shared my plans usually responded with skepticism. Very…


Merry Christmas!

As the year draws to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Warmest wishes for joy, peace…



My seven year old sneaked into my bed last night. Under normal circumstances, I would have waited until he was asleep and taken him back to…