
Does Texas Have an Inheritance Tax?

The short answer to the question is no. Before 1995, Texas collected a separate inheritance tax, called a “pick-up tax.” The tax did not increase the…

A Mother’s Love

A few years ago, I read an article that reminded me of the extraordinary lengths parents will go to protect and provide for their children. It…

Can a Settlor Revoke or Modify a Trust?

Whether a Settlor, the person who creates a trust, can revoke or modify it depends on if the trust is irrevocable or revocable. According to Section 112.051…

Beyond Taxes: 10 Reasons Why Americans Without Taxable Estates Need an Estate Plan

NB: Rocket Lawyer Press invited me to contribute another guest post on an estate planning issue. Below is an excerpt of the article I wrote, as well…

What are the Inheritance Rights of Adopted Children?

If you are a parent of an adopted child in Texas and you die without a will, your adopted child will be entitled to the same inheritance…

Does Portability Make Bypass Trusts Obsolete?

Before this year, bypass trusts were necessary to preserve a deceased spouse’s federal estate tax exemption. This is no longer the case. Under the new estate…

A Temporary Fix: The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010

NB: This article was published on January 10, 2011 and contains information that may be outdated. For current information regarding the estate tax, read: Estate Tax Certainty…For Now.

If You Eat A Frog First Thing In The Morning, The Rest of Your Day Will Be Wonderful – Mark Twain

Whether it’s doing the laundry, cleaning out the garage, or getting that long overdue check-up, all of us face tasks each week that we dread. We…